'I can resist anything but temptation' Oscar Wilde

The blog of a cinnamon-addict, photographer and dancer.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! May 2011 bring you everything you're hoping to get or even better, have the courage to get them yourself  :)

After partying hard last night, it's time to post my New Year Resolutions, just in case I lose the post-it I've written them on. 

1. Cook one of Jamie Oliver's recipes every week (I really got my hopes up high about this one)
2. Do more socializing, networking (for my business project and not only)
3. Set up my own studio
4. Do as many photo shootings as possible
5. Read a French book every 2 months
6. Cut my hair every 3 months (haha, this one's silly and I probably won't hold on to it, but anyway)

UPDATE: 7. Do the 52-week photography project

And here's a little something I made for New Year's: Save tonight (Happy New Year!) - a photo collection


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