'I can resist anything but temptation' Oscar Wilde

The blog of a cinnamon-addict, photographer and dancer.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A new (spring) day has come :)

Welcome spring!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

A woman's universe

Some photos from one of my projects, "A woman's universe"

You can find more photos on my Facebook profile, deviantArt profile and on my Flickr profile.

"Romance novel"

"Box of memories"

"Summer afternoon book"


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Stop chasing shadows, just enjoy the ride :D

Date: 18th October 2010
Location: Tineretului Park, Bucharest
Photo session with: Petru


Behind the scenes:  

You can find more photos from the shoot on my deviantArt profile and on my Flickr profile
and more backstage shots on my Facebook profile.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Comptine d'un autre été

 La vie n’est que l’interminable répétition d’une représentation qui n’aura jamais lieu...
 [Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain]

Friday, February 18, 2011


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

De ce fotografiez?

Am fost intrebata de ce imi place sa fotogafiez. Mi s-a parut extraordinar de greu sa raspund, tot ceea ce-mi venea in minte era o replica stupida de genul "pentru ca pur si simplu imi place". Dar am reflectat putin la asta si mi-am reorganizat gandurile.

[Pentru ca ma pricep cel mai bine la explicatii schematice, voi apela la niste liniute.] So, here it goes. Imi place fotografia pentru ca:

- ma ajuta sa ma cunosc mai bine pe mine insami (de aceea si fac multe autoportrete)
- pot socializa incredibil de mult cu oamenii (intotdeauna am crezut ca aflandu-ma in spatele unei camere voi ramane ascunsa, izolata, insa nici nu va puteti inchipui cate noi orizonturi se deschid atunci cand faci fotografii, cati oameni te abordeaza, cu cati poti ajunge sa colaborezi)
- imi place controlul pe care mi-l ofera meniul si butoanele camerei mele foto (pentru ca sunt un control freak, asta imi face bine)
- descopar de fiecare data ceva nou care imi place (precum lalelele. Nu le-am apreciat niciodata la adevarata lor valoare inainte de a le fotografia)
- ma face sa ma simt bine cand oamenii ma abordeaza pentru a le face poze (yeah yeah yeah, ego stroking, cine nu-si doreste asta?)
- pot fi cat de selectiva imi doresc (in privinta modelelor, locului, subiectelor etc)

Pe scurt, imi place sa simt acel impuls electric care imi strabate intreg corpul atunci cand apas butonul aparatului de fotografiat si-mi place sa-mi petrec noptile adaugand stropi de culoare unor locuri si situatii fade. Clear enough? :)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

La Superbe

Superba precum titlul.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Snow photoshoot

Date: 26th January 2011
Location: The Paintball Academy, Bucharest
Photo session with: Petru


Behind the scenes:

You can find a lot more photos from the shoot and backstage shots on my deviantArt profile, on my Flickr profile and on my Facebook profile.

Friday, January 28, 2011

You're a firework!

I find this song very motivating :)

Cause baby you're a firework
  Come on show 'em what you're worth...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Autumn in Bucharest

I miss the warm autumn sun.

One Republic - All The Right Moves

Saturday, January 22, 2011

I hear in my mind all this music

[one of my obsessions] 

I never loved nobody fully
Always one foot on the ground
And by protecting my heart truly
I got lost in the sounds...

I hear in my mind all of these voices
I hear in my mind all of these words
I hear in my mind all of this music
And it breaks my heart...

And suppose I never met you
Suppose we never fell in love
Suppose I never ever let you
Kiss me so sweet and so soft...

Friday, January 21, 2011

Girls just wanna have fun

Date: 2nd October
Location: La-Studio, Bucharest
Photo session with: Alina, Anca, Alex, Clau, Cora


Behind the scenes:

You can find more photos from the shoot on my deviantArt profile and on my Flickr profile
and more backstage shots on my Facebook profile.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


 I feel like dancing.


Monday, January 10, 2011


Date: 9th December
Location: Cismigiu Park, Bucharest
Photo session with: Alitia Lucaci, Marius Grigore and Paul


Behind the scenes:

You can find more photos from the shoot on my deviantArt profile and on my Flickr profile
and more backstage shots on my Facebook profile.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Penne carbonara

Today I cooked Penne carbonara (1/52). Yummy.

You can also find the photos from my cooking experiment on Facebook.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Want you to make me feel like...

De data asta as vrea sa comentez un videoclip al unei melodii, m-am cam saturat de spot-urile publicitare. (Da, cine s-ar fi gandit ca voi ajunge sa spun asa ceva?) Melodia in sine nu este o capodopera muzicala, e doar placuta, comerciala, populara. Artista, la fel. Voce draguta, promovare intensa, caracter puternic.

Este vorba despre "Only girl (in the world)" - Rihanna. De ce imi place acest videoclip mai mult decat altele? Datorita culorilor. Si da, aici ma influenteaza enorm perspectiva fotografica. Tot videoclipul este sufocat de culori puternice, contrastante, supra-saturate. Iarba e roz, cerul portocaliu, stancile bleumarin si as putea continua. Cu toate astea, atmosfera este una paradoxal de lejera, in mare masura datorita hainelor vaporoase si delicate pe care le poarta Rihanna, dar si datorita gesturilor ei feminine.

De fapt, tot videoclipul este unul deosebit de feminin. Scenele slow-motion in care ea fie se da in leagan, fie isi arcuieste seducator spatele in timp ce volanasele rochiei ii flutura in vant, felul in care vantul adie delicat, miscandu-i buclele de un rosu intens, hainele din materiale fluide, vaporoase, petalele de trandafiri care cad peste ea, mangaind-o, toate acestea subliniaza ideea de feminitate, de delicatete si farmec specific unei fete. Unei fete "unice", asa cum sugereaza titlul. Rihanna ne este prezentata in ipostaze amuzante, copilaroase, dar si seducatoare, de aici putand sa deducem ca este exact acel tip de fata pe care iti este imposibil sa n-o iubesti.

Peisajele si decorurile sunt de-a dreptul irezistibile, desi poate cam cliseice: un camp rosiatic cu reflexe aurii, un perete de flori sufocant de verde, un lan de flori multicolore, niste stanci, o intindere de apa, un leagan imens care pare coborat din nori si o noapte luminata de un foc de artificii.

Si mai mult decat toate astea mi-a placut felul in care partea audio se sincronizeaza cu partea instrumentala, mai ales pe la minutul 3, montajul mi se pare impecabil. De asemenea, mi-a placut scena finala, in care ea face nenumarate piruete in apropierea unui copac in care sunt atarnate...rochii. Da, rochii, de diferite culori. Si in interiorul rochiilor se afla lumini care se aprind la anumite intervale, bineinteles in ritmul melodiei. How ingenious is that? Sunt complet data pe spate de acest mic detaliu, insesizabil celor care au urmarit videoclipul o singura data, pe fuga.

Pe scurt, combinatia de culori (magenta, bleumarin, verde, portocaliu, alb, negru) ma fascineaza, ma inspira si ma seduce. Dar exact asta nu va place voua, am dreptate? :))  Dupa ce am urmarit videoclipul de cateva ori bune, m-am decis sa adaug ceva mai spicy fotografiilor mele, culori mai intense si mai vii. Sa fie o idee asa de rea?

Enjoy the colors! :) 


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Hey, qu’est ce qu’il y a?

Je sais je te rends fou,
Mais ça te vas plutôt bien

 Ce qui se passe maintenant avec moi n'est pas réel. Il ne peut pas l'être. J'ai essayé de m'en convaincre pendant les semaines passées, mais c'est comme le destin veut prouver, à n'importe quel prix, que j'ai tort. Et tout cela pourquoi? Je me demande où je vais arriver avec toutes ces coïncidences, tous ces fantômes qui me hantent ... quand on m'a dit que la vie est comme ça, j'ai refusé de le croire. Je le nie encore et il semble que plus je le nie, plus elle essaie de m'étouffer avec toutes ces petites choses qui me rendent folle.


Alors, j'ai menti. Tout le monde le fait. Et qui dit que ce n'est pas vrai doit réfléchir à nouveau. C'était seulement un petit mensonge et regardez ce qui se passe maintenant. Je sens que je suis tombé dans la neige et maintenant je suis coincé dans une énorme boule de neige qui tient dévale la montagne à une vitesse à couper le souffle. Qu'est-ce qui se passera quand il frappera un arbre à la base de la montagne?
Stop! Je ne veux pas vraiment savoir ça, ne réponds pas à cette question! Il a été aussi amusant au début, mais maintenant tout cela me rend folle. Folle! Arrêtez toutes les coïncidences! Arrêtez avec toutes les moqueries! J'en ai eu assez !



Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What does it take to fit into someone's life?

[written a few weeks ago, felt like posting it now] 

What does it take to fit into someone’s world? When you meet a person for the first time you never think that a few months later you’ll be putting your clothes in the drawer he let you have in his closet. When you meet a person, you look into his eyes, stare at his mouth, evaluate his attitude, his clothes, you judge him briefly and maybe give him a chance. A chance to blow your mind, to sweep you off your feet. And as he does that, you begin to understand he’s a great catch for you and that the time you spend together is actually well spent. From then on, things are simple, they come natural. You go out, hold hands, kiss in public, laugh at each other’s stupid jokes, share the same bed on cold winter nights, change your relationship status on Facebook, blog about what you feel, meet his parents, bring him home to meet your parents, spend a lovely vacation together. The next thing you know is that he’s whispering mushy things in your ear while holding you close in his arms and the next day you bring a small suitcase with you to his place.

How do you unpack your life in someone else’s life? How do you take those things you brought with you in the suitcase, mostly stuff you need on a daily basis: toothbrush, underwear, T-shirts, coffee cup, shampoo, film DVDs, a pretty dress, slippers, and just put them in another person’s drawer? I know he’s the one who asked you to, but don’t you feel, for only a second at least, that it’s like violating his privacy? Let’s say one day you can’t find one of your socks and it’s not in the drawer where you keep your stuff. Maybe he (or you) misplaced it and you have to look in the other drawers as well. Do you feel right doing that? Does it feel like he’s got no secrets and you can just look through his stuff without any bad feelings? And what happens when you break up? You need to get your stuff back, right? What if you can’t, what if he hurt you so bad you just don’t want to go back and face him, his place, his things? Do you just leave them there?

And now let’s say you don’t break up. You have your own drawer at his place, your things are tossed around the rooms in his apartment, you have your own key so you come and go as you please. Does that mean you fit into his life? Most people around me say yes, that’s what it means, that moving in with someone is sharing your life with him. However, what happens when you leave the apartment? What happens outside that door, outside that intimacy, that cocoon you’ve created? Do you still belong to him and does he still belong to you?

Friends, relatives, hobbies, jobs, are these also part of your common life, do you share them or is each with own? I think that unpacking things from a small suitcase into someone’s drawer means nothing at all. It doesn’t mean he’s committed, it doesn’t mean you’re his world. On the other hand, it doesn't mean you're committed or sharing your life completely. And it’s always horrible having to take your things back. So, don’t do it. Don’t share your entire life with him, keep your little secrets and mysteries. When he asks you to move in with him, don’t bring your entire life with you, just bring a small suitcase and don’t unpack like you’re revealing your true nature to him. Unpack like you’re going to be there for a couple of days only and let him crave for more from you.

Is it possible to fit into someone’s life? Completely? And if so, what does it take to do it?

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! May 2011 bring you everything you're hoping to get or even better, have the courage to get them yourself  :)

After partying hard last night, it's time to post my New Year Resolutions, just in case I lose the post-it I've written them on. 

1. Cook one of Jamie Oliver's recipes every week (I really got my hopes up high about this one)
2. Do more socializing, networking (for my business project and not only)
3. Set up my own studio
4. Do as many photo shootings as possible
5. Read a French book every 2 months
6. Cut my hair every 3 months (haha, this one's silly and I probably won't hold on to it, but anyway)

UPDATE: 7. Do the 52-week photography project

And here's a little something I made for New Year's: Save tonight (Happy New Year!) - a photo collection